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SOLETOP appointed as “One department one company” participant by ETRI
April, 2014
ETRI appointed SOLETOP as participant of “one department for one company” campain of ETRI. ETRI organize the campain to support related industry in technology and sales.
Mr. Heung Nam Kim, President of ETRI visited SOLETOP to listen to what the leading induristry has to say about their needs. He also presented a plaque identifying the spacial relationship.

“We are very excited about the future development and opportunities evolve around partnership with ETRI” says Mr. Yongbo Sakong, CEO of SOLETOP Co., Ltd.
More information on ETRI can be found on their website, www.etri.re.kr

SOLETOP is a leader in remote sensing and tele-presence industry producing qulity products and services related to Satellite, UAV and environmental instruments covering Ocean, land and Space
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